Thursday, December 17, 2009

Free Vs. Paid Application

Over this last semester, I've had to make the decision on what applications. One term always crawled in the back of my head: Price. 

I've found that one is going into the new media field, you have to be smart on what applications you use over others. Some that are free can be effective while others can be useless compared to other applications. 

When you have the advantage to get free programs, take up the offer, even if think that you might not use them later, such as the offer that IUPUI gives to students for free Adobe applications. I may not use After Effects or Premiere Pro. However, I took upon the offer, because I might have to take a film editing class or two, and those programs are two of the best to use. Not to mention, If I had to buy them late, they would cost me over $2,000 .

They do eat a lot of memory on my computer, so I do have to watch what I put on there. If it's something like another image editor or painter, I generally don't take up the offer because I already have Photoshop 

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