Sunday, September 20, 2009

Class Discussion

Recently, in my New Media 110 class, we study a few design elements for a project. The concept of line art in designs. I was told of something I should have known being an artist, but quickly realized.

  My professor explained that in line art designs, curvy lines are considered feminine and therefore are used in feminine designs. Angular lines are more masculine and are used in the appropriate designs. It's one those principles that you don't know until you her about but you know as common sense, like breathing or eating.
I thought about it and checked some of my own work. I saw this rule applied everywhere. Any design on clothes, backgrounds, etc, that I wanted to be more welcoming and gentle, had a curvy look. Any design I wanted tough or intimidating, I gave an angular feel. I had never heard of this rule yet I applied without realizing it.

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