Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Adobe effects

I always adore people with talent for making special effects. I find a huge amount of different After Effect videos while surfing Youtube. there's a lot of light saber tests and fights, but there's one in particular that i find amazing. 

These guys were one of the original fanboys to try the lightsaber fight with After Effects. While there are a million different videos of fights, this one went all out with good effects, camera angles, and great fight poses. I simply find it amazing!

I'm going to to try and make a video myself on After Effects as soon as i figure it out. But I find this program even harder than flash or photoshop. Anyone who can utilize it this well is a brilliant individual.  

I've tried a little bit to work after effects and I can't figure it out. However, a friend told me of some sites that teach after effects tutorials, so I'll see if those help.

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