Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New Aged Software

Recently in my I100 class, we heard a lecture from the game design department of the school. I developed a particular interest in the fact that we have the Unreal Engine at the school. The Unreal Engine is the considered the best graphic engine today and is used in several games like Gears of War, Bioshock, and Unreal Tournament.
I decided to look for other engines that are used for games today. A friend showed me a new engine called the CryEngine3 by a company called Crytec. The graphics are the most amazing form of 3D rendering I have ever seen. I could not believe the amount of graphic output that this engine was capable of. The movements and animations our so smooth and crisp. Better still (at least I believe it is) is that the graphics are realistic in the real world way, and not like the curent concept of realism where everything is brown and grey.
Before seeing this, I thought that the Unreal Engine would be the way of game design for a while. But it looks as though game engines like CryEngine3 are going to be the way of the future.

example of new engine

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